Notre travail

Promotion des droits de la personne

 En tant que défenseur des droits de l’homme (DDH), votre engagement à protéger et à promouvoir les droits des individus et des communautés est vital. 

Cependant, ce travail inestimable vous expose souvent à des risques d’arrestation, d’intimidation et d’autres formes de persécution. Si vous vous trouvez confronté à de telles menaces, il est essentiel de demander de l’aide rapidement.

Nous vous encourageons à contacter DefendDefenders, notre organisation partenaire, pour obtenir de l'aide. 


  • Hotline 24h/24 : +256-707-020086
  • Sécurisé Formulaire


Tours Arie

Lot 16, chemin Mackinnon, Nakasero

Kampala, Ouganda

Ligne téléphonique générale :

+256-200-760-700 (Général)

Développement des médias et renforcement de la liberté des médias

Chez CHARM, nous reconnaissons le rôle essentiel des organisations de la société civile dans le développement des médias et la défense de la liberté des médias. Ces éléments ne sont pas seulement importants, ils sont la pierre angulaire des démocraties dynamiques !

Les partenaires de CHARM sont fiers d’être à l’avant-garde de ce mouvement crucial, travaillant activement pour autonomiser les communautés, favoriser les valeurs démocratiques et élever les droits de l’homme.  

 Au Rwanda, notre partenaire FOJO mène le développement d’un programme d’études modernisé qui met davantage l’accent sur les compétences pratiques en journalisme. Le projet a favorisé des liens plus étroits entre l’école de journalisme et l’industrie des médias, ce qui a permis de renforcer les liens académiques avec d’autres universités de la région.

Au Rwanda, notre partenaire FOJO mène le développement d’un programme d’études modernisé qui met davantage l’accent sur les compétences pratiques en journalisme. Le projet a favorisé des liens plus étroits entre l’école de journalisme et l’industrie des médias, ce qui a permis de renforcer les liens académiques avec d’autres universités de la région.

En Éthiopie, FOJO vise à renforcer le secteur des médias en promouvant un journalisme de qualité et durable, en améliorant la viabilité des médias et en comblant le fossé entre la salle de classe et la salle de rédaction.


En visite :
Bâtiment Royal FM
15e KK, Kicukiro, Kigali,

Tech, Innovation and digital activism enhancement

At the heart of every revolution beats the passion and energy of youth! Throughout history, young people have boldly risen to the occasion, ensuring society can fully embrace its rights and privileges. That’s where our amazing partner, Magamba Network, comes in. They’re harnessing the power of digital platforms to champion democracy and spark real change!

Through dynamic initiatives like Open Parly, where young people hold the political elite in countries like Zimbabwe and Uganda accountable for their financial decisions, Magamba is empowering the next generation. Plus, with vibrant gatherings like the Hub Unconference, the youth are stepping up as true catalysts for the change our society craves.

Want to learn more about how we’re driving this transformation? Dive into our efforts, or feel free to visit Magamba’s offices at the following addresses:

3 Allan Wilson Avenue, 

Greater Avenues,


  Email: [email protected]

Phone: +263 8644 076 265

Intergration of Gender Equality and Social Inclusions

Our partner, Réseau des Femmes Leaders pour le Développement, (RFLD) is an enthusiastic regional network of women’s rights organizations passionately dedicated to championing the rights of women and girls in sub-Saharan Africa. Our network thrives on the belief that a vibrant and independent civil society is essential for exercising rights fully. We take concrete, impactful steps to protect the rights of women and girls—think engaging training sessions, lively meetings, and dynamic coalitions!

Moreover, RFLD rallies opinion leaders around pivotal issues that shape the lives of women and girls, igniting awareness about the vital importance of civic space, civic freedom, and human rights.

We envision a bright new sub-Saharan Africa where justice and dignity shine for everyone, with a special focus on marginalized communities. Our mission includes amplifying the voices of African individuals, empowering women’s rights activists and civil society leaders to speak openly with authorities. 

Through RFLD, we strive to make national, regional, and international mechanisms accessible to women’s rights activists, organizations, coalitions, and movements through organizational strengthening and initiatives that celebrate the right of civil society to operate freely and independently.

With years of experience in producing action-oriented evidence, strengthening women’s movements, and advocating for policy change and accountability, RFLD stands as an inspiring model for other civil society organizations.


Secretariat email: [email protected]

 M & E Email: [email protected]


Inter- State and Regional collaboration

The heartbeat of a vibrant civic society pulses with the energy of interstate and regional collaboration. As a powerful consortium, we’ve witnessed an exhilarating synergy transform the civic landscape across our region. Our partner, CIVICUS Alliance, has led the charge, orchestrating dynamic engagements that unite civic organizations in an inspiring tapestry of cooperation.

In the heart of Kigali, Rwanda, CIVICUS’s funding catalyzed the birth of the Rwanda UPR Coalition Civic Space, a formidable alliance of 20 members, including 15 civil society organizations and 5 media entities. From its inception, this coalition has ignited awareness campaigns, sparked fiery radio debates, and hosted transformative TV workshops, all championing the crucial theme of freedom of expression. They’ve not only engaged with the Ministry of Justice to shape the UPR roadmaps but have also convened powerful advocacy meetings focused on Freedom of Association and the pivotal issue of NGO registration.

The spirit of peer-to-peer learning thrives within the CIVICUS mandate. In June 2024, human rights defenders from Kenya, Uganda, Burundi, South Africa, and Rwanda converged in Naivasha, Kenya, for an electrifying training session on the Universal Periodic Review (UPR) process. 


Spearheaded by CIVICUS alongside the Centre for Minority Rights Development (CEMIRIDE) and DefendDefenders under the CHARM consortium, this training equipped participants with vital insights into the UPR process, from preparation and submission to effectively following up on recommendations.

Meanwhile, in Zambia, CIVICUS has been a catalyst for change, empowering GEARS and other partners to engage vigorously with regional and international mechanisms like the ACHPR and the UN Human Rights Council. Through impactful advocacy initiatives—lively side events, strategic lobbying, and compelling statement presentations—we’ve brought the pressing issues surrounding civic space in Zambia to the forefront. This relentless effort culminated in the historic passing of the Access to Information Bill, 2023, granting every citizen the right to request unclassified government information on any matter of public interest, a triumph for transparency and empowerment.


Email: [email protected]

Ceci est un environnement de mise en scène